MAKERS: Women Who Make America - PBS Official TrailerI got to be part of the digital programming and content strategy team that led the MAKERS: Women Who Make America TV broadcast on PBS. It became the most successful social activation in AOL history, trending on Twitter across the U.S. for all primetime hours.
The coolest part of my job was bringing amazing women's stories to the millennial masses.
This GIF set blew up on Tumblr. #NotoriousRBG
An interview with MAKER, Oprah Winfrey.
Gloria Steinem 80th birthday infographic, picked up by The Frisky and NY Mag.
At the inaugural MAKERS Conference, we threw Gloria Steinem a surprise 80th birthday party. To celebrate the feminist icon and to make things social, we asked attendees to use #WWGD - What would Gloria do?
When we added our 200th woman’s story to our collection, we celebrated by looking back at 200 years of women’s firsts with this graphic.
I got to interview Jane Wurwand, founder of Dermalogica, for the digital collection.